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The new Bundahis, Bahman Yast, and you will Shayast La-Shayast, transl

The new Bundahis, Bahman Yast, and you will Shayast La-Shayast, transl

Dina-we Mainog-i Khirad (otherwise Views of one’s Soul regarding Insights)

PAHLAVI Messages. Area We. EW West (1880) SBE 5. Oxford: Clarendon. It and extra amounts convert enduring theological and court messages (due to the fact understood throughout the 1880s) out of Zoroastrianism, presumed to help you result from Avestan messages now lost. Translator responses on of several problems and concerns regarding his work. Cards here are really tentative. Bundahis (or the Brand-new Production). ch. XV: 1-5 (transl. pp. 52-54), creation story, very first guy and you may very first woman, and you can a tree “whose fresh fruit was the newest 10 designs of people” – having note so you’re able to XV: 31 (pp. 59-60) in which footnote 6 covers ten varieties of ‘monsters’, remembering legends away from strange events for the India. Mention in addition to racial distinction during the ch. XXIII: 1-dos (p. 87), today grossly offending. ch. II: 97, fnt.5 (p. 270), significance regarding ‘armest’, in addition to ‘lame, crippled, immobility’. V: 1-2 (pp. 290-91) implies amounts of children’s duty to own incorrect chatter throughout the prayer day: up to 5 years, no blame; regarding four to help you seven, age with the dad; eight so you can ten, deeper number of youth’s duty. V: 7 (pp. 292-93) excuses deaf and dumb person that dont create proper response to prayers. VI: 1-dos, “Brand new deaf-and-dumb and you can helpless” (‘armest’: footnote 2 gives probable meaning right here, “an idiot, otherwise crazy individual”), no matter if off proper conduct and you can aura, “was not able to undertaking an effective work”. X: thirty five (p. 332), a woman try fit for certain priestly responsibilities certainly one of feminine; footnote six alludes to Avestan passing in which “people woman who’s not feeble-minded” is capable of doing specific priestly duties to own youngsters.

PAHLAVI Messages. Region II. Brand new Dadistan-i Dinik while the Epistles off Manuskihar, transl. EW West (1882) SBE 18. Oxford: Clarendon. Dadistan-we Dinik (otherwise Religious Viewpoints away from Manuskihar child out-of Yudan-Yim, Dastur regarding Pars and you may Kirman, A.D. 881). ch. LXII: cuatro, towards the inheritance, appears to suggest that a great son (or their partner) “who’s blind both in attention, or crippled [armest – see earlier annotation] in base, or maimed in both his hands” obtains twice this new display of an able-bodied son, a type of confident discrimination allegedly on the basis of need. Epistles of Manuskihar. Epistle II, ch. I: thirteen (p. 329), ref. to help you “Zaratust this new clubfooted (apafrobd)”. Footnote 2 ways a current person named Z., “who had endeavoured in order to conceal the newest deformity you to definitely disqualified him” from the high priesthood. Pick including Addition (p. xxvi). Appendix. III, on the meaning of Khvetuk-Das, ‘next-of-kin marriage’. p. 407 discussing dangers of divorce case, says “vice and you may fraud and agony of deformity” as the problems which may covertly become related to a man.

Shayast Los angeles-Shayast (or the Best and you can Poor)

PAHLAVI Texts. Area III. Dina-i Mainog-i Khirad; Sikand-Gumanik Vigar; Sad Dar, transl. EW Western (1885) SBE 24. Oxford: Clarendon. Ch. XV: 1-6 and footnote 2 (p. 42), means “the latest poorest and most secluded (armesttum) person” (see before annotation towards the ‘armest’) exactly who holds sincerity in think, term and you may action, will receive a performs imputed so you’re able to him though struggling to indeed doing instance really works. Ch. XXVI: 4-six, (p. 56), the fresh new blind person that have hit understanding and insights “will be thought to be sound-eyed”. XXXVII: 36 (p. 75), blessedness Latin American Cupid-hyvitykset of one “whom will bring rooms rental towards the sick and you may remote [‘armest’] and you can traders”. Sikand-Gumanik Vigar (or perhaps the Question-Dispelling Explanation). V: 63-64 (p. 144), in the event the a close look, ear canal, nostrils, limb an such like are handicapped, one of many other body organ is not any alternative. X: 64 (p. 170), regard to “manual body gestures” among ways in which Zoroaster preached and you can sure King Gustasp. XII: 64-70 (p. 207), loss of sight data having dark, lack of knowledge etcetera for the a listing of “demoniacal peculiarities”. Unfortunate Dar of your Hundred Subjects. Ch. LXIV: 2-5 (pp. 326-27), penalties to have thieves are amputation of ear canal and you will (from the third offense) off right hand, and an excellent and you can jail sentence.