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Reddit User and Growth Stats Updated March 2023

what is reddit mostly used for

72% of Reddit users in the US access the platform on a mobile device. That’s extremely low compared to Facebook (95.3%), and Twitter (93.2%). A Business Insider Intelligence analysis found that 62% of US Reddit users agree that the platform protects their privacy and data. 15% of Reddit users “strongly agree” with the statement that Reddit protects their privacy and data. A total of 558,799 new subreddits were added to the platform between January and September 2021. By the end of 2020, Reddit had an estimated 122.5 million installs worldwide across iOS and Android users.

what is reddit mostly used for

Ultimately, the safety of your Reddit experience is also in your hands. Being cautious about the information you share, the links you click on, and the communities you engage with can go a long way in ensuring a safer Reddit experience. Reddit employs both automated algorithms and human moderators to oversee the content posted on the platform. The platform fosters an environment where individuals can connect with like-minded people, exchange ideas, and broaden their knowledge on a wide range of topics. Designed as a way for people to share information, Reddit has grown dramatically over the years.

What are subreddits?

According to company data, 2 billion comments were posted on Reddit in 2020. For some perspective, the number of comments on Reddit grew by 300 million compared to 2019. As of 2019, Reddit had 430 million monthly active users (MAUs), growth of 30.3% compared to a year earlier. Get expert social media advice delivered straight to your inbox. The key to a topic-based community like this is to ensure it’s valuable without being self-promotional.

  1. The platform is organized into different communities called subreddits, where users can join and participate in specific topic-based discussions.
  2. As of August 2021, the company is valued at $10 billion, following a recent funding round of $410 million.
  3. Users create posts in topic-based communities — called subreddits — and interact in comment threads.
  4. For example in r/nfl, you can set your flair to be your favorite team so whenever you submit everyone knows who you support.
  5. While the platform does have mechanisms in place for reporting and removing harmful content, the question of “Is Reddit safe?

Users can upvote or downvote posts and comments, effectively allowing the community to curate the content. This system not only ensures that high-quality or relevant content rises to the top but also gives users a sense of participation and ownership. The shadowbanned user’s posts and comments will continue to show up for them, but other people won’t see them.

Users can report posts and comments that violate Reddit’s guidelines, and moderators have the authority to remove such content. Reddit, like any other social media platform, has its share of safety concerns that users should be aware of. Navigating Reddit involves finding subreddits of interest, joining discussions, and engaging with the community through comments and contributions. Someone posts a link, say, First Impressions of New iPhone 11 Camera, and then members of the subreddit basically dive in and ask questions. It has tens of millions of users, hundreds of thousands of subreddits, and it is always growing. Often, stories break on Reddit before they hit the major news networks and channels.

While it allows for open discussions without the fear of social repercussions, it also opens the door for harassment, doxxing, and other forms of online abuse. Reddit has recently switched to from disclosing monthly users to now focusing on daily active users. But there’s plenty of historic data on how many users visit the platform at least monthly.

What are the most popular subreddits?

As of now, Reddit ranks among the top 20 most-visited websites globally and holds a high position in U.S. web traffic rankings as well. Over the years, Reddit has undergone several significant changes in ownership. In 2006, it was acquired by Condé Nast, a media company known for publishing high-profile magazines like Vogue and The New Yorker. By catering to a diverse demographic and offering a wide range of functionalities, Reddit has established itself as a platform for virtually anyone and everyone. From support groups for mental health to communities centered around hobbies and interests, Reddit provides a space for meaningful social interaction. The platform’s upvote and downvote system ensures that the most valuable content often rises to the top, making information discovery efficient and reliable.

In 2020, Reddit only had around 36 million daily active users. Engagement rate is the best way to tell if your audience cares about what you’re posting on social media and what they want to see more of. Reddit ads can reach up to 50 million daily active users, but with huge potential reach comes huge potential wasted spend.

If you tell them you didn’t read the rules or you didn’t know about something, they may reinstate you. It’s at the discretion of the moderators who are just other members of the community not paid workers. If you are not registered, the default tab is “Hot,” which is basically a view of the submissions with the highest scores over a period of time. The score is determined by subtracting the downvotes from the upvotes. They can also comment on other people’s submissions by just clicking on the open comment field right under the submission. In the same way, you can reply to people’s comments by clicking reply.

Content Moderation Mechanisms

That’s why Reddit’s iconic alien, “Snoo,” is such a perfect mascot for this oddball community-based platform. Here are just a few of the best subreddits to start following. Rory is an Entertainment Editor at Tom’s Guide based in the UK. He covers a wide range of topics but with a particular focus on gaming and streaming.

You’ll often find a TLDR section at the end of lengthy Reddit posts to provide a concise summary. A 2023 study reveals that roughly 70% of American Reddit users are white, 12% are Hispanic, and 7% are black. When it comes to age demographics, people between the ages of 18 and 29 make up Reddit’s largest user base at 64%. The second biggest age group is those aged 30 to 49, making up 29% of the user base. Reddit’s expansive reach and open platform have not come without their share of controversies. These incidents have raised questions about the platform’s safety and effectiveness in content moderation.

62% of Reddit users are male, while the remaining 38% are female. Other common reasons for using Reddit include following the news and staying up to date with brands and companies. 72% of US Reddit users report that they use Reddit for entertainment purposes. Here’s the overview of the number of published posts on Reddit over the past few years. In fact, the number of posts on Reddit has almost doubled in 2020 since 2018 (equaling an additional 150.4 million posts per year).

This significant gender skew highlights that the platform is predominantly male. Overall, Reddit serves as a dynamic and interactive platform that facilitates the exchange of information and facilitates meaningful conversations among its diverse user base. Get yourself onto the plumbing subreddit and ask for some advice. Within the hour, you’ll be swimming in information and advice from, potentially, hundreds of experienced people. Most major news publications have dedicated teams whose sole job is trawling Reddit for interesting stories and events.

It’s a quick “trust temperature” others can use to evaluate you. Instead of using complicated algorithmic tools to rank content, Reddit’s algorithm runs on votes. Get our 2024 Social Trends report, and dig into the juicy data that’ll help you reach your goals in 2024—which is shaping up to be social’s best year yet.