
Also Tywin Lannister partnered his or her own very first cousin, Joanna Lannister

Also Tywin Lannister partnered his or her own very first cousin, Joanna Lannister

There isn’t any signal one to any people in the Westeros or Essos has actually previously condoned sexual relationships, a lot less relationship, between parents and their youngsters – not the Valyrians. Craster, an effective wildling lifestyle to the a highly separated homestead throughout the wasteland outside of the Wall, do “marry” his very own daughters, so you’re able to father a lot more daughters on them that he carry out in turn marry (including Gilly) – however, it was just it is possible to considering the extreme isolation they had been living in, perhaps not condoned as an element of a beneficial “society”. Possibly the other wildlings utterly despised Craster, and you can what he was undertaking wasn’t from another location considered acceptable inside the large wildling community.

ong the nobility off Westeros, and that is not felt incest within their culture. New Valyrians (and later, the new Targaryens) well-known to help you get married cousins away from as near a degree that one may when the there had been zero sisters in the present generation of the group. They were commonly known to possess marriages between uncles and nieces (and probably also aunts and you may nephews): Rhaenyra Targaryen by herself married her very own bro, Daemon Targaryen (regardless if brother-relative matrimony is not as intimate a level of incest since brother-cousin incest).

Polygamy [ ]

Bigamy is taboo in lots of biggest religions, for instance the Trust of Seven or the Old Gods of one’s Tree. Brand new Trust of your Seven takes into account e time for you to getting an abomination.

Several other globe religions, yet not, do practice polygamy. The ironborn beneath the Sunken Goodness faith already been alongside so it with regards to practice of getting one to number one “material spouse” but several lower-ranking “salt spouses” (generally glorified concubines) – regardless if it never take several “material partner”.

The fresh new Dornishmen do have a social heritage out-of remaining publicly recognized mistresses/lovers called “paramours”, even if he is already ours aren’t “married”: rather than new sodium wives of one’s ironborn, the children of paramours are considered bastards in the place of inheritance legal rights (whether or not in the place of the remainder Eight Kingdoms, bastardy isn’t thought most embarrassing in the Dorne).

The new old Valyrians have been recognized to habit polygamy – it wasn’t extremely regular, it was not strange and you will uncommon possibly. Aegon I Targaryen is actually while doing so partnered so you’re able to each of his sister-wives, Visenya and Rhaenys. Later Home Targaryen averted exercising polygamy, yet not, understanding that it can greatly antagonize new Faith of your own 7, that was already most troubled regarding their incestuous bloodline and you can marriage ceremonies (seem to they continued to practice incestuous entally they currently had an incestuous bloodline and nothing you will definitely change that, nonetheless you are going to definitely like not to ever practice polygamy any more).

New Dothraki routine polygamy, and a great khal usually takes numerous spouses simultaneously (Khal Drogo only occurred to not have one wives currently whenever he marry Daenerys Targaryen). The position out-of Dothraki marriages can vary a lot more, however: particular khals takes numerous spouses at the same time, tend to only captives consumed in raids, that felt nothing more than concubines. Yet sometimes, a good khal usually fall crazy about that partner, a khaleesi which virtually co-statutes by their front, and he wouldn’t get all other spouses.

Bastardy [ ]

Bastardy – when youngsters are created beyond eful in the Westeros click site your accepted bastard youngsters of nobility have to use unique bastard surnames, one surname for each of your own 7 Kingdoms. Bastards on the Northern utilize the surname “Snow”, such as Jon Accumulated snow and you can Ramsay Snow. Bastards on wasteland empire Dorne use the surname “Sand”, such as Ellaria Mud, plus Oberyn ed “the Mud Snakes” consequently). Dorne has other viewpoints into sexuality compared to remainder of Westeros, and you can in the place of another kingdoms the new Dornish try not to believe bastardy so you can feel such as for example awkward. Merely bastards of your nobility can use these surnames. Bastards is actually omitted about collection of succession, in the event towards unusual celebration a master you will offer all of them Legitimization.